Sweet Potato Lasagna

Ingredients: 600g extra lean Beef mince (raw weight) 400g Sweet potato (raw weight) 500g Low fat Cottage cheese 2 Egg White 500g Low Fat Cottage cheese 200g extra light Cheese 4 Vine tomatoes 2 tablespoons Organic tomato sauce 100g Mushrooms 1/3 red Onion 1 tbsp Garlic paste Seasonings: Onion flakes,1 tsp mixed herbs, Sea salt,…

Macronutrient Energy Production 

Over this series, we have come to realise that the body can use fats, carbohydrates and proteins in a number of differentways. However, there is one similar pathway that they all share in common. This pathway is the energy production pathway, which is the main method our bodies use to make our energy. Each of…