Rethink Your Drink to Improve Muscle Gains

Ever wonder what you should be drinking to improve your muscle gains? Here’s a hint. Soda and sugary drinks don’t really make the cut.   A while back, a news story from New Zealand got my attention. A 30-year-old woman died after drinking an average of 10 liters of soda a day for years.  …

5 Diet Myths that must DIE !!

When it comes to dieting and losing weight there are many horrible myths still floating around. I hear them everyday with the questions that I get on my Instagram and in the Facebook private group.   Today I want to expose these dirty little myths so you can stay on track with your weight loss…

3 Daily Habits Making You Fat!

I don’t want to be the bearer of bad news but I also want to give everybody realistic expectations with their physique goals.   I can’t tell you how many clients I’ve worked with over the years that show me a picture of a world class body with less than 8% body fat without any…