Alex Mylonas

I would like to thank you for all your good help that brought me very good results and i would like to inform you that till today i’m still working on your programs. Also i’m sending you some photos that include my condition right now and the situation that i started from.. NAME: Alex Mylonas…

Andrew Vooght

I have come to the end of my Boss Sherd. My results are so awesome.You have been an awesome coach over the pass 44 weeks with your support and motivation I have had a blast learning new things about adjusting calories and healthy food and work out plans.My weight when I started my boss Sherd…

William Brown

Just finishing my 12 week shred with great results.For the next one, I’m lookin g to add muscles with Bulk session NAME: William Brown FAT LOSS: 23 lbs TIME FRAME: 12 Week PLAN: 12 Week Fat Loss Email Address: [email protected] Instagram: @brown_thunder3553