The use of carb back loading to burn fat.
Before evaluating whether or not this method is efficient in burning fat and helping you to achieve that summer fresh body. It is vital to firstly understand what carb backloading is as well as what it consists of. Fear not, the procedure, in general, is fairly simple.
This in essence is the diet without a diet. What we mean by this is the principle of carb backloading is to consume carbs when they are most likely to be stored as glycogen in the muscles. Normally this is later in the day, perhaps after your workout. Whereas in the morning, carbs are most likely to be stored as fat and therefore they are avoided.
Yes, essentially carb backloading is taking advantage of our own individual systems to aid in losing fat, without having to diet on green chips and rabbit fo
od. A fairly simple example of how a day of food would like for someone who is currently carb backloading can be seen below:
- In the mornings you eat light (which may extend to skipping breakfast) this lasts until early afternoon hours. However, at night, you can eat like royalty.
- Until After your workout (Should be late afternoon, around 5 pm for example) you ensure that you eat as little carbs as possible if you can manage to avoid them in general till then, great.
- Once you have completed your workout, your carb intake period begins. This is from between your post-workout meal throughout the rest of the evening.
This method of dieting takes an advantage towards body mechanism and timings, in this case, we are referring to the natural daily fluctuations in insulin sensitivity throughout muscle and fat cells, as well as the exercise-induced increase in insulin sensitivity in muscle cells.
A broad, simple definition is the fact that in the morning muscle and fat cells are more conductive to glucose earlier in the day due to increased insulin sensitivity. In terms of muscle, this is a positive impact, more glucose means more energy and better performance at the gym. However, for fat this is the opposite, more glucose leads to an increase in fat storage.
It is, however, a vital point to consume carbs as a post-workout meal first. As exercise leads to a diminishing state of glucose stores which increases insulin sensitivity in the muscle cells alone, restricting the fat cells. This means that your body will shuttle the glucose into muscle cells instead of the fat cells.
If you need help with personalized lifestyle plans, flexible dieting advice, and more info about fat loss techniques, then visit the link or email me at [email protected]